All journeys start with that first step…

Ok I’ve done it!

For years I’ve thought about blogging and for years I’ve made excuses to wimp out and avoid the potential of being a failure.

But it’s time to try something and see how it goes.

Many years ago I dabbled in table top gaming here and there and slowly but surely a strange being burrowed somewhere close to my heart. They call it “the hobby” and it feeds on the sound of dice rolling and the sensation of paint flowing.

As my collection has grown I have made a decision to create something that shares my experiences with poor souls who have also been bitten by this mystical being.

Over the next few weeks I will be playing around with how I want to use this space. Maybe some painting, maybe some reviews, maybe just some cool stuff I’ve found during my lunch break that has me really excited.

But tonight is gaming night and “the hobby” calls demanding I sacrifice the life of a warrior to the power of the Dice Lords.

In the meantime if you do come across this please comment and tell me what you would like to see in the future.

Fight on and roll high!


Published by TooMuchDevlan

Hi I'm a lover of beautiful miniatures and spend too much money on washes to hide my terrible painting skills. I'm on a mission to get everything painted as more stuff gradually arrives and I've decided that a great way to do it it by blogging the random things that go through my head as I play and paint tabletop games. Please feel free to join me on my journey to try new things and discover new games.

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